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Matthew 15:14 Matthew 15 - Teaching about Defilement

14 Leave them; they are blind guides. If a blind man leads a blind man, both will fall into a pit.”

Cross References for Matthew 15:14

Jeremiah 6:15 - Are they ashamed of their loathsome conduct? No, they have no shame at all; they do not even kn... Click to read the verse Jeremiah 6:15 Click to read the verse Jeremiah 6:15

Jeremiah 5:31 - The prophets prophesy lies, the priests rule by their own authority, and my people love it this... Click to read the verse Jeremiah 5:31 Click to read the verse Jeremiah 5:31

Romans 1:24 - Therefore God gave them over in the sinful desires of their hearts to sexual impurity for the d... Click to read the verse Romans 1:24 Click to read the verse Romans 1:24

Jeremiah 8:12 - Are they ashamed of their loathsome conduct? No, they have no shame at all; they do not even kn... Click to read the verse Jeremiah 8:12 Click to read the verse Jeremiah 8:12

Deuteronomy 27:18 - “Cursed is the man who leads the blind astray on the road.” Then all the people shall say, “Amen!” Click to read the verse Deuteronomy 27:18 Click to read the verse Deuteronomy 27:18

Revelation 22:15 - Outside are the dogs, those who practice magic arts, the sexually immoral, the murderers, the i... Click to read the verse Revelation 22:15 Click to read the verse Revelation 22:15

John 12:40 - “He has blinded their eyes and deadened their hearts, so they can neither see with their eyes, ... Click to read the verse John 12:40 Click to read the verse John 12:40

Revelation 19:20 - But the beast was captured, and with him the false prophet who had performed the miraculous sig... Click to read the verse Revelation 19:20 Click to read the verse Revelation 19:20

Proverbs 4:19 - But the way of the wicked is like deep darkness; they do not know what makes them stumble. Click to read the verse Proverbs 4:19 Click to read the verse Proverbs 4:19

2 Peter 2:17 - These men are springs without water and mists driven by a storm. Blackest darkness is reserved ... Click to read the verse 2 Peter 2:17 Click to read the verse 2 Peter 2:17

Malachi 2:12 - As for the man who does this, whoever he may be, may the Lord remove him from the tents of Jaco... Click to read the verse Malachi 2:12 Click to read the verse Malachi 2:12

Hosea 4:17 - Ephraim is joined to idols; leave him alone! Click to read the verse Hosea 4:17 Click to read the verse Hosea 4:17

2 Peter 2:1 - False Teachers and Their Destruction But there were also false prophets among the people, just ... Click to read the verse 2 Peter 2:1 Click to read the verse 2 Peter 2:1

Revelation 22:11 - Let him who does wrong continue to do wrong; let him who is vile continue to be vile; let him w... Click to read the verse Revelation 22:11 Click to read the verse Revelation 22:11

1 Timothy 6:5 - and constant friction between men of corrupt mind, who have been robbed of the truth and who th... Click to read the verse 1 Timothy 6:5 Click to read the verse 1 Timothy 6:5

Proverbs 9:8 - Do not rebuke a mocker or he will hate you; rebuke a wise man and he will love you. Click to read the verse Proverbs 9:8 Click to read the verse Proverbs 9:8

Isaiah 56:10 - Israel’s watchmen are blind, they all lack knowledge; they are all mute dogs, they cannot bark;... Click to read the verse Isaiah 56:10 Click to read the verse Isaiah 56:10

Lamentations 4:14 - Now they grope through the streets like men who are blind. They are so defiled with blood that ... Click to read the verse Lamentations 4:14 Click to read the verse Lamentations 4:14

Matthew 23:16 - “Woe to you, blind guides! You say, ‘If anyone swears by the temple, it means nothing; but if a... Click to read the verse Matthew 23:16 Click to read the verse Matthew 23:16

Jeremiah 27:15 - ‘I have not sent them,’ declares the Lord. ‘They are prophesying lies in my name. Therefore, I ... Click to read the verse Jeremiah 27:15 Click to read the verse Jeremiah 27:15

Zephaniah 1:17 - I will bring distress on the people and they will walk like blind men, because they have sinned... Click to read the verse Zephaniah 1:17 Click to read the verse Zephaniah 1:17

Hosea 4:6 - my people are destroyed from lack of knowledge. “Because you have rejected knowledge, I also re... Click to read the verse Hosea 4:6 Click to read the verse Hosea 4:6

Matthew 16:4 - A wicked and adulterous generation looks for a miraculous sign, but none will be given it excep... Click to read the verse Matthew 16:4 Click to read the verse Matthew 16:4

Isaiah 8:15 - Many of them will stumble; they will fall and be broken, they will be snared and captured.” Click to read the verse Isaiah 8:15 Click to read the verse Isaiah 8:15

Psalms 119:99 - I have more insight than all my teachers, for I meditate on your statutes. Click to read the verse Psalms 119:99 Click to read the verse Psalms 119:99

Isaiah 3:12 - Youths oppress my people, women rule over them. O my people, your guides lead you astray; they ... Click to read the verse Isaiah 3:12 Click to read the verse Isaiah 3:12

Jeremiah 23:32 - Indeed, I am against those who prophesy false dreams,” declares the Lord. “They tell them and l... Click to read the verse Jeremiah 23:32 Click to read the verse Jeremiah 23:32

Micah 3:5 - This is what the Lord says: “As for the prophets who lead my people astray, if one feeds them, ... Click to read the verse Micah 3:5 Click to read the verse Micah 3:5

Malachi 2:8 - But you have turned from the way and by your teaching have caused many to stumble; you have vio... Click to read the verse Malachi 2:8 Click to read the verse Malachi 2:8

Hosea 4:9 - And it will be: Like people, like priests. I will punish both of them for their ways and repay ... Click to read the verse Hosea 4:9 Click to read the verse Hosea 4:9

1 Corinthians 12:2 - You know that when you were pagans, somehow or other you were influenced and led astray to mute... Click to read the verse 1 Corinthians 12:2 Click to read the verse 1 Corinthians 12:2

2 Kings 17:28 - So one of the priests who had been exiled from Samaria came to live in Bethel and taught them h... Click to read the verse 2 Kings 17:28 Click to read the verse 2 Kings 17:28

Proverbs 16:22 - Understanding is a fountain of life to those who have it, but folly brings punishment to fools. Click to read the verse Proverbs 16:22 Click to read the verse Proverbs 16:22

1 Timothy 1:7 - They want to be teachers of the law, but they do not know what they are talking about or what t... Click to read the verse 1 Timothy 1:7 Click to read the verse 1 Timothy 1:7

Zechariah 11:3 - Listen to the wail of the shepherds; their rich pastures are destroyed! Listen to the roar of t... Click to read the verse Zechariah 11:3 Click to read the verse Zechariah 11:3

Jeremiah 23:1 - The Righteous Branch “Woe to the shepherds who are destroying and scattering the sheep of my pa... Click to read the verse Jeremiah 23:1 Click to read the verse Jeremiah 23:1

Jeremiah 14:16 - And the people they are prophesying to will be thrown out into the streets of Jerusalem because... Click to read the verse Jeremiah 14:16 Click to read the verse Jeremiah 14:16

Acts 19:9 - But some of them became obstinate; they refused to believe and publicly maligned the Way. So Pa... Click to read the verse Acts 19:9 Click to read the verse Acts 19:9

John 3:10 - “You are Israel’s teacher,” said Jesus, “and do you not understand these things? Click to read the verse John 3:10 Click to read the verse John 3:10

Isaiah 9:16 - Those who guide this people mislead them, and those who are guided are led astray. Click to read the verse Isaiah 9:16 Click to read the verse Isaiah 9:16

Isaiah 60:2 - See, darkness covers the earth and thick darkness is over the peoples, but the Lord rises upon ... Click to read the verse Isaiah 60:2 Click to read the verse Isaiah 60:2

Isaiah 43:27 - Your first father sinned; your spokesmen rebelled against me. Click to read the verse Isaiah 43:27 Click to read the verse Isaiah 43:27

Isaiah 51:18 - Of all the sons she bore there was none to guide her; of all the sons she reared there was none... Click to read the verse Isaiah 51:18 Click to read the verse Isaiah 51:18

Isaiah 42:19 - Who is blind but my servant, and deaf like the messenger I send? Who is blind like the one comm... Click to read the verse Isaiah 42:19 Click to read the verse Isaiah 42:19

Matthew 23:16-24 - “Woe to you, blind guides! You say, ‘If anyone swears by the temple, it means nothing; but if a... Click to read the verse Matthew 23:16-24 Click to read the verse Matthew 23:16-24

Ezekiel 14:9-10 - “‘And if the prophet is enticed to utter a prophecy, I the Lord have enticed that prophet, and ... Click to read the verse Ezekiel 14:9-10 Click to read the verse Ezekiel 14:9-10

Zechariah 11:9 - and said, “I will not be your shepherd. Let the dying die, and the perishing perish. Let those ... Click to read the verse Zechariah 11:9 Click to read the verse Zechariah 11:9

Micah 3:6-7 - Therefore night will come over you, without visions, and darkness, without divination. The sun ... Click to read the verse Micah 3:6-7 Click to read the verse Micah 3:6-7

Zechariah 11:15 - Then the Lord said to me, “Take again the equipment of a foolish shepherd. Click to read the verse Zechariah 11:15 Click to read the verse Zechariah 11:15

Luke 20:8 - Jesus said, “Neither will I tell you by what authority I am doing these things.” Click to read the verse Luke 20:8 Click to read the verse Luke 20:8

Luke 13:15 - The Lord answered him, “You hypocrites! Doesn’t each of you on the Sabbath untie his ox or donk... Click to read the verse Luke 13:15 Click to read the verse Luke 13:15

Mark 8:13 - Then he left them, got back into the boat and crossed to the other side. Click to read the verse Mark 8:13 Click to read the verse Mark 8:13

Luke 6:39 - He also told them this parable: “Can a blind man lead a blind man? Will they not both fall into... Click to read the verse Luke 6:39 Click to read the verse Luke 6:39

Matthew 21:27 - So they answered Jesus, “We don’t know.” Then he said, “Neither will I tell you by what authori... Click to read the verse Matthew 21:27 Click to read the verse Matthew 21:27

Mark 11:33 - So they answered Jesus, “We don’t know.” Jesus said, “Neither will I tell you by what authority... Click to read the verse Mark 11:33 Click to read the verse Mark 11:33

Romans 2:19 - if you are convinced that you are a guide for the blind, a light for those who are in the dark, Click to read the verse Romans 2:19 Click to read the verse Romans 2:19

1 Corinthians 14:38 - If he ignores this, he himself will be ignored. Click to read the verse 1 Corinthians 14:38 Click to read the verse 1 Corinthians 14:38