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Psalms 2:5-12 The Kings and Rulers Take Counsel against the Lord

5 Then he rebukes them in his anger
and terrifies them in his wrath, saying,

6 “I have installed my King
on Zion, my holy hill.”

7 I will proclaim the decree of the Lord:
He said to me, “You are my Son;
today I have become your Father.

8 Ask of me,
and I will make the nations your inheritance,
the ends of the earth your possession.

9 You will rule them with an iron scepter;
you will dash them to pieces like pottery.”

10 Therefore, you kings, be wise;
be warned, you rulers of the earth.

11 Serve the Lord with fear
and rejoice with trembling.

12 Kiss the Son, lest he be angry
and you be destroyed in your way,
for his wrath can flare up in a moment.
Blessed are all who take refuge in him.

Cross References for Psalms 2:5-12

Psalms 2:12 - Kiss the Son, lest he be angry and you be destroyed in your way, for his wrath can flare up in ... Click to read the verse Psalms 2:12 Click to read the verse Psalms 2:12

Luke 19:27 - But those enemies of mine who did not want me to be king over them—bring them here and kill the... Click to read the verse Luke 19:27 Click to read the verse Luke 19:27

Isaiah 11:4 - but with righteousness he will judge the needy, with justice he will give decisions for the poo... Click to read the verse Isaiah 11:4 Click to read the verse Isaiah 11:4

Isaiah 30:30 - The Lord will cause men to hear his majestic voice and will make them see his arm coming down w... Click to read the verse Isaiah 30:30 Click to read the verse Isaiah 30:30

Psalms 6:1 - Psalm 6 For the director of music. With stringed instruments. According to sheminith. A psalm o... Click to read the verse Psalms 6:1 Click to read the verse Psalms 6:1

Psalms 78:49-50 - He unleashed against them his hot anger, his wrath, indignation and hostility— a band of destro... Click to read the verse Psalms 78:49-50 Click to read the verse Psalms 78:49-50

Revelation 1:16 - In his right hand he held seven stars, and out of his mouth came a sharp double-edged sword. Hi... Click to read the verse Revelation 1:16 Click to read the verse Revelation 1:16

Job 36:18 - Be careful that no one entices you by riches; do not let a large bribe turn you aside. Click to read the verse Job 36:18 Click to read the verse Job 36:18

Psalms 76:12 - He breaks the spirit of rulers; he is feared by the kings of the earth. Click to read the verse Psalms 76:12 Click to read the verse Psalms 76:12

Matthew 22:7 - The king was enraged. He sent his army and destroyed those murderers and burned their city. Click to read the verse Matthew 22:7 Click to read the verse Matthew 22:7

Isaiah 25:11 - They will spread out their hands in it, as a swimmer spreads out his hands to swim. God will br... Click to read the verse Isaiah 25:11 Click to read the verse Isaiah 25:11

Psalms 21:9 - At the time of your appearing you will make them like a fiery furnace. In his wrath the Lord wi... Click to read the verse Psalms 21:9 Click to read the verse Psalms 21:9

Luke 19:43-44 - The days will come upon you when your enemies will build an embankment against you and encircle... Click to read the verse Luke 19:43-44 Click to read the verse Luke 19:43-44

Isaiah 66:6 - Hear that uproar from the city, hear that noise from the temple! It is the sound of the Lord re... Click to read the verse Isaiah 66:6 Click to read the verse Isaiah 66:6

Psalms 110:5-6 - The Lord is at your right hand; he will crush kings on the day of his wrath. Click to read the verse Psalms 110:5-6 Click to read the verse Psalms 110:5-6

Zechariah 1:15 - but I am very angry with the nations that feel secure. I was only a little angry, but they adde... Click to read the verse Zechariah 1:15 Click to read the verse Zechariah 1:15

Revelation 11:18 - The nations were angry; and your wrath has come. The time has come for judging the dead, and fo... Click to read the verse Revelation 11:18 Click to read the verse Revelation 11:18

Revelation 19:15 - Out of his mouth comes a sharp sword with which to strike down the nations. “He will rule them ... Click to read the verse Revelation 19:15 Click to read the verse Revelation 19:15

Psalms 50:16-22 - But to the wicked, God says: “What right have you to recite my laws or take my covenant on your... Click to read the verse Psalms 50:16-22 Click to read the verse Psalms 50:16-22

Matthew 23:33-36 - “You snakes! You brood of vipers! How will you escape being condemned to hell? Click to read the verse Matthew 23:33-36 Click to read the verse Matthew 23:33-36

Psalms 6:10 - All my enemies will be ashamed and dismayed; they will turn back in sudden disgrace. Click to read the verse Psalms 6:10 Click to read the verse Psalms 6:10