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Psalms 120 A Cry for Deliverance

1 Psalm 120
A song of ascents.
I call on the Lord in my distress,
and he answers me.

2 Save me, O Lord, from lying lips
and from deceitful tongues.

3 What will he do to you,
and what more besides, O deceitful tongue?

4 He will punish you with a warrior’s sharp arrows,
with burning coals of the broom tree.

5 Woe to me that I dwell in Meshech,
that I live among the tents of Kedar!

6 Too long have I lived
among those who hate peace.

7 I am a man of peace;
but when I speak, they are for war.

Analysis of Psalms Chapter 120

The Book of Psalms is a remarkable collection of poetry and hymns that express a wide range of emotions and thoughts, focusing on human experiences and divine interventions. Psalm 120 is one of the Songs of Ascents, a series of fifteen psalms (Psalms 120-134) that were sung by the Israelites as they ascended to Jerusalem for the pilgrimage festivals. Let us delve deep into Psalm 120, analyzing and interpreting its verses to uncover the profound insights it offers.

Verse 1

In my distress I cried unto the Lord, and he heard me.

Psalm 120 begins with a personal lament, expressing a cry of the psalmist in a time of distress. This sets the tone for the entire chapter, emphasizing the emotional state of the one seeking divine assistance. The use of the term “cried” indicates a sense of urgency and desperation. The psalmist acknowledges that God hears his pleas, highlighting the intimate relationship between the supplicant and the divine. This verse serves as a reminder that in times of trouble, reaching out to God can bring solace and relief.

Verse 2

Deliver my soul, O Lord, from lying lips, and from a deceitful tongue.

In this verse, the psalmist identifies the source of his distress: deceit and falsehood. The mention of “lying lips” and “a deceitful tongue” suggests that the psalmist is suffering from slander or false accusations. The request for deliverance underscores the destructive power of lies and deceit, showing how they can cause considerable emotional turmoil. Here, the psalmist is appealing for divine intervention to protect his soul from harm caused by the destructive force of falsehood.

Verse 3

What shall be given unto thee? or what shall be done unto thee, thou false tongue?

This rhetorical question signifies the frustration and pain brought about by deceitful speech. The psalmist is contemplating the appropriate recompense for those who spread lies. This verse accentuates the severity of the situation and the psalmist’s desire for justice. It also sets the stage for the following verses, which will address the consequences and divine justice awaiting the deceitful.

Verse 4

Sharp arrows of the mighty, with coals of juniper.

The imagery in this verse is vivid, signifying the intensity of divine retribution. “Sharp arrows of the mighty” suggest a powerful and precise punishment, while “coals of juniper” evoke imagery of burning and destruction. Juniper wood is known for burning very hot, and thus this metaphor implies that the consequences for deceit will be both intense and purifying. This verse conveys that God’s justice is not only inevitable but also powerful and consuming, addressing the wrongdoing effectively.

Verse 5

Woe is me, that I sojourn in Mesech, that I dwell in the tents of Kedar!

The mention of “Mesech” and “Kedar” places the psalmist in a context of alienation and discomfort. Mesech and Kedar were regions distant from Israel, inhabited by people known for their warlike nature. By stating that he sojourns in Mesech and dwells in the tents of Kedar, the psalmist may be expressing a sense of being surrounded by hostile and deceitful people. This verse reflects the anguish and helplessness the psalmist feels, depicting his environment as antagonistic and unwelcoming.

Verse 6

My soul hath long dwelt with him that hateth peace.

The distress of the psalmist is further elaborated upon as he reveals that he has long endured the company of those who hate peace. This verse underscores a prolonged exposure to conflict and hostility, contributing to the psalmist’s cry for divine intervention. The expression highlights the emotional weariness and longing for peace, suggesting that the environment of deceit and conflict is taking a toll on the psalmist’s well-being.

Verse 7

I am for peace: but when I speak, they are for war.

The concluding verse of Psalm 120 contrasts the psalmist’s desire for peace with the aggressive nature of those around him. Despite his intentions and efforts towards peace, the response he receives is one of war and conflict. This stark contrast magnifies the psalmist’s isolation and frustration, showing the fundamental discord between his values and those of his adversaries. It reflects the broader theme of righteousness in the face of adversity and the psalmist’s commitment to peace even when surrounded by hostility.

Themes and Reflections

Several key themes emerge from Psalm 120 that deserve deeper reflection:

  1. Distress and Divine Assistance: The psalmist’s cry for help in times of distress and the acknowledgment that God hears and responds to such pleas is a recurring theme in the Psalms. This reflects the belief in a compassionate and just God who is attentive to the suffering of His followers.
  2. Deceit and Justice: The damaging effects of deceit and the desire for divine justice are central to this psalm. The psalmist’s appeal to God reflects a reliance on divine judgment and punishment to resolve the issues of falsehood and slander.
  3. Isolation and Alienation: The psalmist’s sense of isolation, expressed through his references to Mesech and Kedar, highlights the emotional and social disconnect experienced when surrounded by hostile and deceitful individuals.
  4. Peace Versus Conflict: The contrast between the psalmist’s desire for peace and the adversaries’ inclination towards war underscores the struggle between good and evil, righteousness and sin. It serves as a reminder of the tension that exists in a world where peace is often met with conflict.

Practical Applications

Psalm 120 offers several practical applications for contemporary readers:

  1. Seeking God in Times of Trouble: The psalm encourages believers to turn to God in moments of distress, trusting in His ability to provide comfort and resolution. This act of turning towards the divine can be a source of strength and hope.
  2. Understanding the Consequences of Deceit: Reflecting on the destructive power of lies and falsehood, individuals are reminded to value truth and integrity. The psalm illustrates the moral and spiritual consequences of deceitful actions.
  3. Navigating Hostile Environments: The psalmist’s experience of feeling out of place among hostile individuals can resonate with those facing similar situations today. It encourages maintaining one’s values and seeking peace, even in challenging circumstances.
  4. Commitment to Peace: The psalmist’s juxtaposition of his desire for peace against the backdrop of conflict encourages a steadfast commitment to peace and reconciliation, regardless of external adversities.


Psalm 120 is a powerful and evocative piece of poetry that captures the essence of human distress, the struggle for truth, and the pursuit of peace. Through its vivid imagery and emotional depth, it reminds believers of their reliance on God during times of trouble and the importance of striving for righteousness in a world often marred by falsehood and conflict. The insights gleaned from this psalm offer timeless lessons on the value of integrity, the need for divine justice, and the enduring commitment to peace amidst adversity.