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Numbers 25:1-18 The Census and Inheritance Laws

1 Moab Seduces Israel
While Israel was staying in Shittim, the men began to indulge in sexual immorality with Moabite women,

2 who invited them to the sacrifices to their gods. The people ate and bowed down before these gods.

3 So Israel joined in worshiping the Baal of Peor. And the Lord’s anger burned against them.

4 The Lord said to Moses, “Take all the leaders of these people, kill them and expose them in broad daylight before the Lord, so that the Lord’s fierce anger may turn away from Israel.”

5 So Moses said to Israel’s judges, “Each of you must put to death those of your men who have joined in worshiping the Baal of Peor.”

6 Then an Israelite man brought to his family a Midianite woman right before the eyes of Moses and the whole assembly of Israel while they were weeping at the entrance to the Tent of Meeting.

7 When Phinehas son of Eleazar, the son of Aaron, the priest, saw this, he left the assembly, took a spear in his hand

8 and followed the Israelite into the tent. He drove the spear through both of them—through the Israelite and into the woman’s body. Then the plague against the Israelites was stopped;

9 but those who died in the plague numbered 24,000.

10 The Lord said to Moses,

11 “Phinehas son of Eleazar, the son of Aaron, the priest, has turned my anger away from the Israelites; for he was as zealous as I am for my honor among them, so that in my zeal I did not put an end to them.

12 Therefore tell him I am making my covenant of peace with him.

13 He and his descendants will have a covenant of a lasting priesthood, because he was zealous for the honor of his God and made atonement for the Israelites.”

14 The name of the Israelite who was killed with the Midianite woman was Zimri son of Salu, the leader of a Simeonite family.

15 And the name of the Midianite woman who was put to death was Cozbi daughter of Zur, a tribal chief of a Midianite family.

16 The Lord said to Moses,

17 “Treat the Midianites as enemies and kill them,

18 because they treated you as enemies when they deceived you in the affair of Peor and their sister Cozbi, the daughter of a Midianite leader, the woman who was killed when the plague came as a result of Peor.”

Cross References for Numbers 25:1-18

Ecclesiastes 7:26 - I find more bitter than death the woman who is a snare, whose heart is a trap and whose hands a... Click to read the verse Ecclesiastes 7:26 Click to read the verse Ecclesiastes 7:26

Ephesians 5:3 - But among you there must not be even a hint of sexual immorality, or of any kind of impurity, o... Click to read the verse Ephesians 5:3 Click to read the verse Ephesians 5:3

1 Corinthians 10:8 - We should not commit sexual immorality, as some of them did—and in one day twenty-three thousan... Click to read the verse 1 Corinthians 10:8 Click to read the verse 1 Corinthians 10:8

Proverbs 7:13 - She took hold of him and kissed him and with a brazen face she said: Click to read the verse Proverbs 7:13 Click to read the verse Proverbs 7:13

Joshua 2:1 - Rahab and the Spies Then Joshua son of Nun secretly sent two spies from Shittim. “Go, look over... Click to read the verse Joshua 2:1 Click to read the verse Joshua 2:1

Joel 3:18 - “In that day the mountains will drip new wine, and the hills will flow with milk; all the ravin... Click to read the verse Joel 3:18 Click to read the verse Joel 3:18

Exodus 36:20 - They made upright frames of acacia wood for the tabernacle. Click to read the verse Exodus 36:20 Click to read the verse Exodus 36:20

Revelation 2:14 - Nevertheless, I have a few things against you: You have people there who hold to the teaching o... Click to read the verse Revelation 2:14 Click to read the verse Revelation 2:14

Micah 6:5 - My people, remember what Balak king of Moab counseled and what Balaam son of Beor answered. Rem... Click to read the verse Micah 6:5 Click to read the verse Micah 6:5

Joshua 3:1 - Crossing the Jordan Early in the morning Joshua and all the Israelites set out from Shittim and... Click to read the verse Joshua 3:1 Click to read the verse Joshua 3:1

Numbers 33:49 - There on the plains of Moab they camped along the Jordan from Beth Jeshimoth to Abel Shittim. Click to read the verse Numbers 33:49 Click to read the verse Numbers 33:49

Numbers 31:15-16 - “Have you allowed all the women to live?” he asked them. Click to read the verse Numbers 31:15-16 Click to read the verse Numbers 31:15-16

Jeremiah 40:11 - When all the Jews in Moab, Ammon, Edom and all the other countries heard that the king of Babyl... Click to read the verse Jeremiah 40:11 Click to read the verse Jeremiah 40:11

Proverbs 23:28 - Like a bandit she lies in wait, and multiplies the unfaithful among men. Click to read the verse Proverbs 23:28 Click to read the verse Proverbs 23:28