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Journey Through the Bible

Luke 20:27-40

27 The Resurrection and Marriage
Some of the Sadducees, who say there is no resurrection, came to Jesus with a question.

28 “Teacher,” they said, “Moses wrote for us that if a man’s brother dies and leaves a wife but no children, the man must marry the widow and have children for his brother.

29 Now there were seven brothers. The first one married a woman and died childless.

30 The second

31 and then the third married her, and in the same way the seven died, leaving no children.

32 Finally, the woman died too.

33 Now then, at the resurrection whose wife will she be, since the seven were married to her?”

34 Jesus replied, “The people of this age marry and are given in marriage.

35 But those who are considered worthy of taking part in that age and in the resurrection from the dead will neither marry nor be given in marriage,

36 and they can no longer die; for they are like the angels. They are God’s children, since they are children of the resurrection.

37 But in the account of the bush, even Moses showed that the dead rise, for he calls the Lord ‘the God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob.’

38 He is not the God of the dead, but of the living, for to him all are alive.”

39 Some of the teachers of the law responded, “Well said, teacher!”

40 And no one dared to ask him any more questions.

Cross References for Luke 20:27-40

Matthew 16:12 - Then they understood that he was not telling them to guard against the yeast used in bread, but... Click to read the verse Matthew 16:12 Click to read the verse Matthew 16:12

Matthew 16:6 - “Be careful,” Jesus said to them. “Be on your guard against the yeast of the Pharisees and Sadd... Click to read the verse Matthew 16:6 Click to read the verse Matthew 16:6

2 Timothy 2:17-18 - Their teaching will spread like gangrene. Among them are Hymenaeus and Philetus, Click to read the verse 2 Timothy 2:17-18 Click to read the verse 2 Timothy 2:17-18

Matthew 16:1 - The Demand for a Sign The Pharisees and Sadducees came to Jesus and tested him by asking him to... Click to read the verse Matthew 16:1 Click to read the verse Matthew 16:1

Luke 11:53 - When Jesus left there, the Pharisees and the teachers of the law began to oppose him fiercely a... Click to read the verse Luke 11:53 Click to read the verse Luke 11:53

Acts 5:17 - The Apostles Persecuted Then the high priest and all his associates, who were members of the pa... Click to read the verse Acts 5:17 Click to read the verse Acts 5:17

Acts 23:8 - (The Sadducees say that there is no resurrection, and that there are neither angels nor spirits... Click to read the verse Acts 23:8 Click to read the verse Acts 23:8

Acts 4:1-2 - Peter and John Before the Sanhedrin The priests and the captain of the temple guard and the Sad... Click to read the verse Acts 4:1-2 Click to read the verse Acts 4:1-2

Acts 23:6-8 - Then Paul, knowing that some of them were Sadducees and the others Pharisees, called out in the... Click to read the verse Acts 23:6-8 Click to read the verse Acts 23:6-8

Mark 12:18-27 - Then the Sadducees, who say there is no resurrection, came to him with a question. Click to read the verse Mark 12:18-27 Click to read the verse Mark 12:18-27

Matthew 22:23-33 - Marriage at the Resurrection That same day the Sadducees, who say there is no resurrection, cam... Click to read the verse Matthew 22:23-33 Click to read the verse Matthew 22:23-33

1 Corinthians 15:12 - The Resurrection of the Dead But if it is preached that Christ has been raised from the dead, h... Click to read the verse 1 Corinthians 15:12 Click to read the verse 1 Corinthians 15:12