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Journey Through the Bible

Luke 14:25-27

25 The Cost of Being a Disciple
Large crowds were traveling with Jesus, and turning to them he said:

26 “If anyone comes to me and does not hate his father and mother, his wife and children, his brothers and sisters—yes, even his own life—he cannot be my disciple.

27 And anyone who does not carry his cross and follow me cannot be my disciple.

Cross References for Luke 14:25-27

John 1:38 - Turning around, Jesus saw them following and asked, “What do you want?” They said, “Rabbi” (whi... Click to read the verse John 1:38 Click to read the verse John 1:38

Luke 12:1 - Warnings and Encouragements Meanwhile, when a crowd of many thousands had gathered, so that the... Click to read the verse Luke 12:1 Click to read the verse Luke 12:1

Luke 5:15 - Yet the news about him spread all the more, so that crowds of people came to hear him and to be... Click to read the verse Luke 5:15 Click to read the verse Luke 5:15

John 6:24-27 - Once the crowd realized that neither Jesus nor his disciples were there, they got into the boat... Click to read the verse John 6:24-27 Click to read the verse John 6:24-27