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Jeremiah 10:3-11 Jeremiah 10 - Judgment on Idolatry

3 For the customs of the peoples are worthless;
they cut a tree out of the forest,
and a craftsman shapes it with his chisel.

4 They adorn it with silver and gold;
they fasten it with hammer and nails
so it will not totter.

5 Like a scarecrow in a melon patch,
their idols cannot speak;
they must be carried
because they cannot walk.
Do not fear them;
they can do no harm
nor can they do any good.”

6 No one is like you, O Lord;
you are great,
and your name is mighty in power.

7 Who should not revere you,
O King of the nations?
This is your due.
Among all the wise men of the nations
and in all their kingdoms,
there is no one like you.

8 They are all senseless and foolish;
they are taught by worthless wooden idols.

9 Hammered silver is brought from Tarshish
and gold from Uphaz.
What the craftsman and goldsmith have made
is then dressed in blue and purple—
all made by skilled workers.

10 But the Lord is the true God;
he is the living God, the eternal King.
When he is angry, the earth trembles;
the nations cannot endure his wrath.

11 “Tell them this: ‘These gods, who did not make the heavens and the earth, will perish from the earth and from under the heavens.’”

Cross References for Jeremiah 10:3-11

Jeremiah 2:5 - This is what the Lord says: “What fault did your fathers find in me, that they strayed so far f... Click to read the verse Jeremiah 2:5 Click to read the verse Jeremiah 2:5

Romans 1:21 - For although they knew God, they neither glorified him as God nor gave thanks to him, but their... Click to read the verse Romans 1:21 Click to read the verse Romans 1:21

2 Chronicles 32:19 - They spoke about the God of Jerusalem as they did about the gods of the other peoples of the wo... Click to read the verse 2 Chronicles 32:19 Click to read the verse 2 Chronicles 32:19

Exodus 23:19 - “Bring the best of the firstfruits of your soil to the house of the Lord your God. “Do not cook... Click to read the verse Exodus 23:19 Click to read the verse Exodus 23:19

Isaiah 44:9-20 - All who make idols are nothing, and the things they treasure are worthless. Those who would spe... Click to read the verse Isaiah 44:9-20 Click to read the verse Isaiah 44:9-20

Leviticus 18:30 - Keep my requirements and do not follow any of the detestable customs that were practiced before... Click to read the verse Leviticus 18:30 Click to read the verse Leviticus 18:30

1 Peter 1:18 - For you know that it was not with perishable things such as silver or gold that you were redeem... Click to read the verse 1 Peter 1:18 Click to read the verse 1 Peter 1:18

Deuteronomy 4:28 - There you will worship man-made gods of wood and stone, which cannot see or hear or eat or smell. Click to read the verse Deuteronomy 4:28 Click to read the verse Deuteronomy 4:28

Isaiah 45:20 - “Gather together and come; assemble, you fugitives from the nations. Ignorant are those who car... Click to read the verse Isaiah 45:20 Click to read the verse Isaiah 45:20

Jeremiah 10:8 - They are all senseless and foolish; they are taught by worthless wooden idols. Click to read the verse Jeremiah 10:8 Click to read the verse Jeremiah 10:8

1 Kings 16:26 - He walked in all the ways of Jeroboam son of Nebat and in his sin, which he had caused Israel t... Click to read the verse 1 Kings 16:26 Click to read the verse 1 Kings 16:26

Habakkuk 2:18-19 - “Of what value is an idol, since a man has carved it? Or an image that teaches lies? For he who... Click to read the verse Habakkuk 2:18-19 Click to read the verse Habakkuk 2:18-19

Matthew 6:7 - And when you pray, do not keep on babbling like pagans, for they think they will be heard becau... Click to read the verse Matthew 6:7 Click to read the verse Matthew 6:7

Hosea 8:4-6 - They set up kings without my consent; they choose princes without my approval. With their silve... Click to read the verse Hosea 8:4-6 Click to read the verse Hosea 8:4-6

Isaiah 40:19-31 - As for an idol, a craftsman casts it, and a goldsmith overlays it with gold and fashions silver... Click to read the verse Isaiah 40:19-31 Click to read the verse Isaiah 40:19-31

1 Kings 18:26-28 - So they took the bull given them and prepared it. Then they called on the name of Baal from mor... Click to read the verse 1 Kings 18:26-28 Click to read the verse 1 Kings 18:26-28

Acts 16:21 - by advocating customs unlawful for us Romans to accept or practice.” Click to read the verse Acts 16:21 Click to read the verse Acts 16:21