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Journey Through the Bible

Ezekiel 18:6-7

6 He does not eat at the mountain shrines
or look to the idols of the house of Israel.
He does not defile his neighbor’s wife
or lie with a woman during her period.

7 He does not oppress anyone,
but returns what he took in pledge for a loan.
He does not commit robbery
but gives his food to the hungry
and provides clothing for the naked.

Cross References for Ezekiel 18:6-7

Deuteronomy 4:19 - And when you look up to the sky and see the sun, the moon and the stars—all the heavenly array—... Click to read the verse Deuteronomy 4:19 Click to read the verse Deuteronomy 4:19

Hebrews 13:4 - Marriage should be honored by all, and the marriage bed kept pure, for God will judge the adult... Click to read the verse Hebrews 13:4 Click to read the verse Hebrews 13:4

Matthew 5:28 - But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with h... Click to read the verse Matthew 5:28 Click to read the verse Matthew 5:28

1 Corinthians 6:9-11 - Do you not know that the wicked will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neithe... Click to read the verse 1 Corinthians 6:9-11 Click to read the verse 1 Corinthians 6:9-11

Psalms 121:1 - Psalm 121 A song of ascents. I lift up my eyes to the hills— where does my help come from? Click to read the verse Psalms 121:1 Click to read the verse Psalms 121:1

Psalms 24:4 - He who has clean hands and a pure heart, who does not lift up his soul to an idol or swear by w... Click to read the verse Psalms 24:4 Click to read the verse Psalms 24:4

Leviticus 20:10 - “‘If a man commits adultery with another man’s wife—with the wife of his neighbor—both the adul... Click to read the verse Leviticus 20:10 Click to read the verse Leviticus 20:10

Ezekiel 20:7 - And I said to them, “Each of you, get rid of the vile images you have set your eyes on, and do ... Click to read the verse Ezekiel 20:7 Click to read the verse Ezekiel 20:7

Isaiah 30:22 - Then you will defile your idols overlaid with silver and your images covered with gold; you wil... Click to read the verse Isaiah 30:22 Click to read the verse Isaiah 30:22

Jeremiah 5:8-9 - They are well-fed, lusty stallions, each neighing for another man’s wife. Click to read the verse Jeremiah 5:8-9 Click to read the verse Jeremiah 5:8-9

Galatians 5:19-21 - The acts of the sinful nature are obvious: sexual immorality, impurity and debauchery; Click to read the verse Galatians 5:19-21 Click to read the verse Galatians 5:19-21

Ezekiel 20:28 - When I brought them into the land I had sworn to give them and they saw any high hill or any le... Click to read the verse Ezekiel 20:28 Click to read the verse Ezekiel 20:28

Jeremiah 7:6 - if you do not oppress the alien, the fatherless or the widow and do not shed innocent blood in ... Click to read the verse Jeremiah 7:6 Click to read the verse Jeremiah 7:6

Exodus 34:15 - “Be careful not to make a treaty with those who live in the land; for when they prostitute them... Click to read the verse Exodus 34:15 Click to read the verse Exodus 34:15

Ezekiel 20:24 - because they had not obeyed my laws but had rejected my decrees and desecrated my Sabbaths, and... Click to read the verse Ezekiel 20:24 Click to read the verse Ezekiel 20:24

Numbers 25:2 - who invited them to the sacrifices to their gods. The people ate and bowed down before these gods. Click to read the verse Numbers 25:2 Click to read the verse Numbers 25:2

Ezekiel 33:25 - Therefore say to them, ‘This is what the Sovereign Lord says: Since you eat meat with the blood... Click to read the verse Ezekiel 33:25 Click to read the verse Ezekiel 33:25

Leviticus 18:19 - “‘Do not approach a woman to have sexual relations during the uncleanness of her monthly period. Click to read the verse Leviticus 18:19 Click to read the verse Leviticus 18:19

Leviticus 20:18 - “‘If a man lies with a woman during her monthly period and has sexual relations with her, he ha... Click to read the verse Leviticus 20:18 Click to read the verse Leviticus 20:18

Leviticus 15:24 - “‘If a man lies with her and her monthly flow touches him, he will be unclean for seven days; a... Click to read the verse Leviticus 15:24 Click to read the verse Leviticus 15:24

Ezekiel 22:10 - In you are those who dishonor their fathers’ bed; in you are those who violate women during the... Click to read the verse Ezekiel 22:10 Click to read the verse Ezekiel 22:10

Ezekiel 22:9 - In you are slanderous men bent on shedding blood; in you are those who eat at the mountain shri... Click to read the verse Ezekiel 22:9 Click to read the verse Ezekiel 22:9

1 Corinthians 10:20 - No, but the sacrifices of pagans are offered to demons, not to God, and I do not want you to be... Click to read the verse 1 Corinthians 10:20 Click to read the verse 1 Corinthians 10:20

Ezekiel 6:13 - And they will know that I am the Lord, when their people lie slain among their idols around the... Click to read the verse Ezekiel 6:13 Click to read the verse Ezekiel 6:13

Psalms 123:1-2 - Psalm 123 A song of ascents. I lift up my eyes to you, to you whose throne is in heaven. Click to read the verse Psalms 123:1-2 Click to read the verse Psalms 123:1-2

Ezekiel 33:25-26 - Therefore say to them, ‘This is what the Sovereign Lord says: Since you eat meat with the blood... Click to read the verse Ezekiel 33:25-26 Click to read the verse Ezekiel 33:25-26

Ezekiel 18:15 - “He does not eat at the mountain shrines or look to the idols of the house of Israel. He does n... Click to read the verse Ezekiel 18:15 Click to read the verse Ezekiel 18:15

Isaiah 65:7 - both your sins and the sins of your fathers,” says the Lord. “Because they burned sacrifices on... Click to read the verse Isaiah 65:7 Click to read the verse Isaiah 65:7

Ezekiel 22:9-11 - In you are slanderous men bent on shedding blood; in you are those who eat at the mountain shri... Click to read the verse Ezekiel 22:9-11 Click to read the verse Ezekiel 22:9-11

Ezekiel 18:11-12 - (though the father has done none of them): “He eats at the mountain shrines. He defiles his nei... Click to read the verse Ezekiel 18:11-12 Click to read the verse Ezekiel 18:11-12

Leviticus 18:19-20 - “‘Do not approach a woman to have sexual relations during the uncleanness of her monthly period. Click to read the verse Leviticus 18:19-20 Click to read the verse Leviticus 18:19-20

Deuteronomy 22:22-30 - If a man is found sleeping with another man’s wife, both the man who slept with her and the wom... Click to read the verse Deuteronomy 22:22-30 Click to read the verse Deuteronomy 22:22-30

Ezekiel 33:26 - You rely on your sword, you do detestable things, and each of you defiles his neighbor’s wife. ... Click to read the verse Ezekiel 33:26 Click to read the verse Ezekiel 33:26