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Journey Through the Bible

Daniel 10:6

6 His body was like chrysolite, his face like lightning, his eyes like flaming torches, his arms and legs like the gleam of burnished bronze, and his voice like the sound of a multitude.

Cross References for Daniel 10:6

Exodus 28:20 - in the fourth row a chrysolite, an onyx and a jasper. Mount them in gold filigree settings. Click to read the verse Exodus 28:20 Click to read the verse Exodus 28:20

Revelation 10:1 - The Angel and the Little Scroll Then I saw another mighty angel coming down from heaven. He was... Click to read the verse Revelation 10:1 Click to read the verse Revelation 10:1

Matthew 17:2 - There he was transfigured before them. His face shone like the sun, and his clothes became as w... Click to read the verse Matthew 17:2 Click to read the verse Matthew 17:2

Ezekiel 1:16 - This was the appearance and structure of the wheels: They sparkled like chrysolite, and all fou... Click to read the verse Ezekiel 1:16 Click to read the verse Ezekiel 1:16

Ezekiel 10:9 - I looked, and I saw beside the cherubim four wheels, one beside each of the cherubim; the wheel... Click to read the verse Ezekiel 10:9 Click to read the verse Ezekiel 10:9

Luke 9:29 - As he was praying, the appearance of his face changed, and his clothes became as bright as a fl... Click to read the verse Luke 9:29 Click to read the verse Luke 9:29

Revelation 19:12 - His eyes are like blazing fire, and on his head are many crowns. He has a name written on him t... Click to read the verse Revelation 19:12 Click to read the verse Revelation 19:12

Revelation 1:14 - His head and hair were white like wool, as white as snow, and his eyes were like blazing fire. Click to read the verse Revelation 1:14 Click to read the verse Revelation 1:14

Revelation 21:20 - the fifth sardonyx, the sixth carnelian, the seventh chrysolite, the eighth beryl, the ninth to... Click to read the verse Revelation 21:20 Click to read the verse Revelation 21:20

Ezekiel 1:24 - When the creatures moved, I heard the sound of their wings, like the roar of rushing waters, li... Click to read the verse Ezekiel 1:24 Click to read the verse Ezekiel 1:24

Revelation 1:15 - His feet were like bronze glowing in a furnace, and his voice was like the sound of rushing wat... Click to read the verse Revelation 1:15 Click to read the verse Revelation 1:15

Ezekiel 1:7 - Their legs were straight; their feet were like those of a calf and gleamed like burnished bronze. Click to read the verse Ezekiel 1:7 Click to read the verse Ezekiel 1:7

Ezekiel 1:14 - The creatures sped back and forth like flashes of lightning. Click to read the verse Ezekiel 1:14 Click to read the verse Ezekiel 1:14

Revelation 10:3-4 - and he gave a loud shout like the roar of a lion. When he shouted, the voices of the seven thun... Click to read the verse Revelation 10:3-4 Click to read the verse Revelation 10:3-4

Revelation 1:13-17 - and among the lampstands was someone “like a son of man,” dressed in a robe reaching down to hi... Click to read the verse Revelation 1:13-17 Click to read the verse Revelation 1:13-17