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Journey Through the Bible

Acts 27:26-29

26 Nevertheless, we must run aground on some island.”

27 The Shipwreck
On the fourteenth night we were still being driven across the Adriatic Sea, when about midnight the sailors sensed they were approaching land.

28 They took soundings and found that the water was a hundred and twenty feet deep. A short time later they took soundings again and found it was ninety feet deep.

29 Fearing that we would be dashed against the rocks, they dropped four anchors from the stern and prayed for daylight.

Cross References for Acts 27:26-29

Acts 27:29 - Fearing that we would be dashed against the rocks, they dropped four anchors from the stern and... Click to read the verse Acts 27:29 Click to read the verse Acts 27:29

Acts 27:17 - When the men had hoisted it aboard, they passed ropes under the ship itself to hold it together... Click to read the verse Acts 27:17 Click to read the verse Acts 27:17

Acts 28:1 - Ashore on Malta Once safely on shore, we found out that the island was called Malta. Click to read the verse Acts 28:1 Click to read the verse Acts 28:1